Toddler Dance Classes


music and dance classes for toddlers and preschoolers

Welcome to Bumble Dance!

Our music and dance classes are full of fun and excitement! Your little one can learn key life and social skills, making new friends and having a magical time!

Our toddler dance classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.

Your child will learn and develop a range of different skills. We focus on communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development.

Why choose Bumble Dance?

Our toddler dance classes uses a variety of props in every session.

The Bumble Dancers really love sensory props, musical instruments and more! Enhancing imagination of the little dancers, and improving their co-ordination, posture and balance.

Bumble Dance music and dance classes are 30 minutes long and are suitable for both boys and girls from 2-4 years old.

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“Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis euismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit.”

– Yoga Quote